Friday, February 8, 2013


i have never laughed so much (at least it's been awhile).  and i mean i laughed a lot, out loud, by myself, surrounded by strangers.  boeing-boeing, an art's club production, is such a funny, fluffy, over-the-top farce of a play. 
image from here
it's about an american architect living in paris who is juggling his three flight attendant fiancées with the help of his dedicated maid and a friend who shows up just in time for the hilarity to begin.  the cast was awesome, i really don't know how they kept a straight face.  from the moment 'gretchen', the intensely passionate german flight attendant, stepped onto the stage for her first scene i was laughing out loud.
boeing-boeing is one of the funniest plays i have seen to date.  if you are looking for pure light-hearted fun; simple plot, no character development, no meaningful message then this comedy is for you. if you live in vancouver you have until february 24th to see it.  i would suggest not waiting, go now, and laugh out loud.

have a lovely weekend.

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