Monday, February 18, 2013

weekend pics

it was curry-o-rama this weekend.  first, we had the most flavourful curry at our friend's home; think black cardamom, cinnamon, and all spice.  loved it.  actually, it was so delicious that i ate way too much and had to secretly undo my pant button!  at said dinner, we also drank the most lovely port.  i am not much of a drinker but i do enjoy a good port from time to time. 

our second curry dinner was eaten up at our neighbourhood restaurant.  each of the curries, i went with a potato and pea curry, kai had the butter chicken, and stefan had the mango chicken, was so delicious we mopped up our bowls clean.  we have been coming to the same indian restaurant for over a decade and we love that they don't tone down their spicing and heat.  if you want spicy they will serve spicy.  we told kai tales of his visits to said restaurant which mostly ended in him covered with curry...  i love that he loves curry as much as i do.

the rest of the weekend was spent close to home.  while kai had play time with friends i tinkered around the house getting to things that i have been putting off... piles of paper to be put away, rearranging the art on the walls, editing trinkets, and three loads of laundry.  we did however eke out some outdoor time at granville island for groceries and longboarding.

saturday play date

sunday play date


it may not photograph well, especially on the iphone, but boy it sure was a lovely curry

dessert made by stefan, a tiramisu, was divine





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