Monday, February 25, 2013

weekend pics

in between a lot of laziness this weekend, there were some bright spots... watching kai play soccer (that kid of mine is fast) and roaming the farmer's market in the sun was one of them.  in the sun, folks!  it has been typical vancouver weather with a lot of rain lately.  the sun was so. very. lovely.




a gigantic brussel sprout!

post soccer game sugary treat... maple syrup!

attending the first ever street eats and beats: festival under the bridge was a really awesome evening out with the boys.  organized by edible canada, food carts and drinks and music assembled under the granville street bridge for a party.  of the popular food carts in attendance my favourite was le tigre which served a sampling of their brussel sprouts and cauliflower salad... so good (and this is coming from someone who does not even like brussel sprouts!).  and the music, lots from the 80's decade... love!  it was pretty much a cool place to be saturday night.


and that's not all, i received a gift from the husband... he bought me the little mobile i was coveting and it is even more awesome in person. technically, he didn't give it to me this weekend but since it was given i find myself staring at the simplicity and beauty of it's design. it is pure loveliness.

lastly, there was a quick trip to buy kai some shoes (he owns one pair + rain boots... that's it!).  he chose a pair of black, orange, and green nikes and wait for it... i said nothing.  i bit my tongue and didn't offer my opinion which would have been to go with something a little less colourful and really how could i when he enthusiastically proclaimed, "these are so cool." i was proud of myself (and as a reward i bought myself a pair of non-colourful black canvas slipper shoes!).

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