Tuesday, April 9, 2013

spring break: afternoons with kai

i love it when the focus is just kai with nothing else on the to do list but hang out, enjoy each other's company, and laugh.  how i wish all of our days were like these.

i took the afternoons off work during the first week of spring break so i could spend time with kai (he gets two weeks!).  i worked in the morning while he was learning about classical animation and computer arts and then the afternoons were ours.  we had a really fun time in the sun at granville island, went to the movies, explored science world, rode our bikes in the sun (then in torrential rain, all in the same day), lunched twice with stefan downtown, met up with friends and their adorable dog, and kai did not have a pedicure and leave the salon with orange toes (shhhh, don't tell him i told you about the latter)

here are some photos - taken from the perfect (and new!) little camera - to capture the afternoons.  i had fun playing around with it during march break. 












and there was homework too!

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