Tuesday, April 16, 2013

weekend pics, birthday edition!

each spring brings stefan another year older and the white hairs around the temples more prominent :)  here is a peek at his birthday weekend:

1. coffee and croissants... but of course (here and here)

this one is from thomas haas
 2. the farmers market... i love it how an ingredient (in this case those lovely small peppers) inspires stefan to cook a whole meal for the three of us!  which we will be enjoying today!

3. computer time with kai... stefan is teaching kai programming via minecraft.  kai both loved it and found it mentally exhausting.  papa was proud.

4. hanging out with lovely friends while trying out a new sport (despite injuries!) and then sharing a meal with them.


kai being silly!

taking a walk along the riverside after a huge and yummy meal.

5. breakfast in bed... i stayed away from cooking anything (i once smoked up the entire house cooking sausages... alarm ringing and stefan ended up cooking his own birthday breakfast, i know.) and instead kai and i prepared a simple dutch breakfast consisting mostly of bread :)  kai loved being in charge of its preparation. 

6. chocolate prezzies... kai's birthday card to stefan included a treasure map leading to the birthday present.  stefan quickly figured out that beta 5 was his destination... once there he picked up his first box of chocolate goodness (he'll get one each month for a total of six months!).

7. lounging... stefan loves his cat naps.

8. a culinary adventure at kitsilano daily kitchen... stefan is quite the foodie but i don't think he anticipated the six course menu (we were not made aware of the items on said menu beforehand) consisting mostly of seafood (he loves a fillet of fish but seafood, not so much).  as each seafood dish came out, we couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of it.  he was a good sport and tried things he never would have before... like squid and mussel!

it was a low-key weekend which is just the way the birthday boy likes it.  and kai and i were happy to oblige.

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