Tuesday, May 7, 2013

weekend pics

it was a sunny weekend!  the 22 degree weather made vancouverites very happy.  sunny skies, please stick around for awhile.  we like you very much.

the boys and i celebrated the sunny skies with fish tacos, mojitos (stefan makes good ones and kai enjoyed preparing himself a virgin mojito), and lounging on our lawn playing card games.



we also went on a 20km bike ride to the university of british columbia (ubc) to visit the museum of anthropology - i was excited to see their new temporary exhibit safar/voyage featuring contemporary works by middle eastern artists.  some of the creative art included a hand woven persian carpet depicting scenes from tehran; a pile of belongings bound atop the roof of a 1970's car; a poppy field made of pencil shavings (kai's favourite); and i enjoyed the photography of mitra tabrizian while stefan thought the merchants painting was pretty cool. 

we then we enjoyed a bite to eat + a game of pool at one of the cafes on campus before heading back home.  kai was awesome, he didn't complain once about the uphill climb to get to ubc (unlike his mama) but he did voice his enjoyment on the ride home... since it was mostly downhill!

most photos are taken outside of the museum... it was such a lovely day.

photo credit - kai





photo credit, kai

kai loves a good butter chicken wrap.

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