Friday, June 14, 2013

father's day

i don't possess the same superhero status as stefan.  in kai's eyes, stefan is the tallest, the strongest, the smartest, the funniest, the anything -est.  geez, wish stefan would tone it down a bit so i have a shot at this superhero parenting stuff :) but really?  i love how kai looks up to him.

as for stefan, seeing pride and love in his eyes when he speaks about kai is a beautiful thing.  mother's day gets much more attention than father's day but really it takes a village to help raise our kids - family, friends, teachers, sitters (and more) but especially our co-parents. 

without a doubt my favourite thing is watching both my boys in play mode. stefan being goofy and silly and jumping right into kai's imaginative world and kai absolutely delighted with his papa; it's pretty special (even when it involves nerf guns). 
thank you stefan for helping to raise our beautiful boy.

have a lovely (and happy father's day for those of you celebrating) weekend!

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