Friday, June 21, 2013

our sixteenth anniversary

image from here
daily life can get in the way of appreciating the little things that allow a marriage to thrive and grow. they are too easily overlooked. and after 16 years of marriage (today!) i am finally realizing the littlest things mean so much more than the big things.

i don't celebrate stefan nearly enough so if you wouldn't mind indulging me for a moment... here are some of my favourite little things...

* after we get all comfy on the sofa to watch some tv/movie, i remember that i forgot to bring a glass of water with me and invariably he doesn't hesitate in getting up from his cozy spot to bring me a glass of water.
* the kitchen hugs... i love.
* the quickie shoulder rubs when i am slouched over the computer working on this little blog of mine
* welcoming loki into our bedroom at night and risking a good's night sleep because i love that cat
* cooking me a separate pot of pasta because i've decided to eat gluten free at home; he doesn't even bat an eye
* bringing me chai from jj bean when he is doing the sunday morning grocery run on his own
* cooking whatever i fancy; like week long asian dishes
* stepping away from his early morning video game playing (he loves playing so very much) to be more engaged with me before i am off to work
* giving me sleep in time on the weekends and then sending kai to jump into bed with me so we can start our day
* always being the one to arrange our date nights because he knows they are amazing in fostering connection between us

there's something so very sweet about these little acts of love. it's what marriage is all about, isn't it? 

happy anniversary stefan.  and to everyone else, happy first day of summer!

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