Monday, September 2, 2013

toronto pics

it was a chill visit back home.

we spent the week with my brother and their families, my sister, and mother.  we ate ice cream and pasta and bbq and birthday cake too - there was a lot of eating.  we swam at the local pool to ward off the heat, we wandered the danforth and the beaches, we rode roller coasters, we played at the neighbourhood park (now renovated and new and no longer resembling the one i loved so much as a child), spent time with friends, and had a water balloon fight.

mostly we just were - gathered as a family reminiscing, chatting and laughing.  it was a lovely time.





a few items of note:
1. my mother seeded an heirloom tomato brought back from vancouver years ago and she is still yielding the most delicious tomatoes! i ate my fair share and probably more!
2. the oldest of my brothers celebrated his 50th birthday and a party was planned while kai and i were there.  it was lovely to meet lucy's (sam's partner) family; they are fun, funny, and made us feel welcome.  spending time with his children (who are now adults!) was great since i didn't get to see them last year.  and, the portuguese chicken was delicious!

3. there is always a water fight of sorts initiated by the youngest of my brothers but this time the kids and i planned a secret attack.  dom was a really good sport when he was bombarded with water balloons but he did get his revenge... such fun!

4. kai had a sleepover with his cousins and had a blast spending time at the lake while i caught up with friends and did some shopping with my sister and my friend angelina - a dress, sunglasses, cardigan, and shoes/clothing for kai came home with me.

5. it's embarrassing to admit but i didn't recognize my oldest nephew.  crazy, yes?  you see, i hadn't seen him for two years (this was the last time)!  that's him holding the 50 balloon - long surfer-like hair, facial hair, and wearing a cap - surely i can be forgiven? 

6. kai said one of his favourite things to do in toronto was helping nonna - my mom - make meatballs.  i love that he included this activity as one of his favourites, so sweet.  and i loved eating those meatballs with pasta and tomato sauce and those arrangini she made were crazy good!

7. the visit to the exhibition was a lovely one.  we ate cotton candy and snow cones, rode the swings (my favourite) and a roller coaster (not my favourite).  we played the birthday game - my sister's favourite game but she wasn't feeling well enough to join us - and we won the biggest prize by betting monies on her birthday month. but the most fun was watching my brother sam and then lucy on the twister - laugh out loud funny!

8. a trip to toronto isn't complete without a stop at loblaws - yes, a supermarket!  a new one opened in downtown where the maple leafs played and centre ice is still in its place and a sculpture was made with some of the seats too.

the jet lag has since passed and we have had a relaxing weekend thus far - it's a long weekend here so look for my weekend pics tomorrow.

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