Tuesday, September 24, 2013

weekend pics, a mish mash of activites

it was a mish mash of activities this weekend.  and said activities are all depicted below with square pics.  if you have an iphone, you know what i mean! 

the iphone upgrade looks so pretty and some of the features are pretty awesome like the ability to take square and panoramic photos and make the text bigger and finding a phone contact so much easier and so much more.  i haven't stopped playing with the phone which amuses stefan since i was so anti cellphone not so long ago.


i went on a spur-of-the-moment vancouver special home tour while my boys were at soccer.  although i enjoyed my few hours traipsing through people's homes (post to follow soon) i regret not being at the game. 

you see, kai scored TWO goals, stefan says he was on fire.  kai played a good game last week - really focused like never before.  i loved watching him play.  so, i shouldn't be too surprised but after four years of soccer i was beginning to wonder if he would ever score. although, for kai, he just enjoyed playing all these years and i hope these goals won't take away from his love of the sport if they end up being his only ones of the season.  i met up with stefan and kai at trafiq for panini, hot drinks and dessert... it was a celebratory time!



stefan and i spent quite a bit of the day without kai.  kai mountain biked in the pouring rain - when we picked him up he had the happiest smile despite being soaking wet! he then spent the afternoon jumping on trampolines at one of his best buddies birthday party.
stefan and i breakfasted, grocery shopped (a loblaws opened on the north shore!) and met up with my sister-in-law, the lovely melanie.  she was on our side of the water for just four hours to grab a few things from ikea and drop her hubby off at the airport so we had to make the most of the little time we had together. 

in richmond - which is where the airport, ferry, and ikea live - we feasted on really, really good chinese food and then rushed over to ikea to shop. hey, i would do anything to spend time with her and her crew even if it means roaming around ikea with stefan in tow :) and, it just happens, a few items followed us home!  

it was a good weekend.  i hope yours was too.

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