Monday, October 21, 2013

weekend pics

so let's just say my weekend involved lots-o-laziness.  see, here is the thing... the more i do nothing the more i want to do nothing.  it's a bad state.  i need/want to run, yoga, spin and cleanse... i daydream about these activities and even bought a cleansing kit but have absolutely no will power to start and my body is feeling it... tired, slow, and jeans fitting a little too snugly for comfort. blah.

on saturday, the farmer's market at trout lake (i can't believe i have only ever been once before!) was full of delicious fall products and i even found edamame still attached to its branches (kai and i thought it was very cool).  and the carrots, so beautiful and orange! ambrosia apples were in abundance and a small baggie came home with us.  stefan cooked up a storm for us - expect a guest post by him on the delicious caramel chicken. 

on sunday, to get out of the house, we wandered out toward 49th parallel for coffee and tea and browsed a few shops along the way.  stefan came home with boots and pants and i found a lovely soft sweater (i am staying away from buying pants at the moment).

needless to say, not a very photo worthy weekend but i do love those fall colours so much.

the farmer's market




going for coffee/tea

the leo boutique was where we spent our monies; a nicely curated shop.


and some random pics at home

edamame for an afternoon snack :)

boardgame... pirates!

hope you had a lovely weekend! 

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