Thursday, November 21, 2013

the farmer's apprentice

stefan's already told you about the farmer's apprentice, but it's so good i thought i would document it here too. 

the two times we've been to the restaurant we booked early dinners and two things were immediately obvious.  it fills up quickly and you must reserve; we witnessed many arriving (some by cab) just to be turned away and thus disappointed.  a lucky few were seated at the bar.  the food? simply awesome. 

the first time, i swear, i could have eaten everything on the menu, it was hard to choose just a few dishes to share.  the second time, i must admit, i was worried because there was nothing on the menu that appealed to me but when it all arrived absolutely everything was delicious.  everything! 
although i don't remember exactly what i ate - it's been awhile - i do remember wanting to lick the plates.  but instead i happily mopped up the remains on each and every plate - both visits - with warm crusty bread.  i didn't want to waste a single morsel.
this charming spot - just thirty seats - was opened by david gunawan with a desire to create unique foods while taking care of the earth.  he's bringing the 'farm to table' concept - wildly familiar here in vancouver - to a whole new level.  david is taking the farmer's products and producing gorgeous, thoughtful, and inventive food with it.  he also follows the seasons and thus the menu changes daily - you will not be able to order the same dish twice.  
and, we didn't just have delicious food, we also had wonderful service, cozy environment, and lovely drinks. 

pic from here

pic from here
the farmer's apprentice is located in a blossoming neighbourhood in south granville (see this post) with oliver and lily down the street, beaucoup bakery and heather ross around the corner, y yoga set up a studio on the block too, and a green space park is in the making.  it's a perfect destination to while away a few hours - shop, eat, do a sun salutation, grab a coffee.  a perfect afternoon completed.

if you live in or are visiting vancouver, you have to check it out! 

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