Monday, November 18, 2013

weekend pics, at home

friends, i am not going to lie, the weekend has been mildly frustrating and sucky.  and i know this will pass and all will be okay again.  and i know there is much more to be grateful for but once in awhile it's okay to whine, right?

well,  ready or not, here i go:
  • i have vertigo - waking up to a spinning room isn't fun.
  • kai's school project is, well, not even started after having a month to complete it in class and it's due on tuesday, of course.  so can you guess what we were up to do this weekend?  not how i intended to spend hours of my time.    
  • i forgot my mittens while attending kai's soccer game and it was so very cold standing out there.  if they were playing well it would have been worth it but it wasn't their best game.  am i a horrible mother for admitting this?  i feel like it and probably should delete this point. 
  • i ran into an old friend on the soccer field. we cried and hugged and exchanged numbers and it was all so so lovely, you know.  but i worry life (our routines) will take over again and we won't be in touch and that would be very sad.  friendships are awesome.
  • finding tufts of jude's hair around the house has me worried about him - his stress has increased tenfold since the scaffolding when up around our home and walls being torn apart.  we've spent monies on this problem before and hoped it would resolve.
  • two store clerks wished me happy holidays - it's november?!?!
  • mostly i am sad that stefan came home to a whiny wife.  i wouldn't blame him if he wished he was back in stockholm.
on the bright side, i completed a photo project that has been long awaiting my time - selecting, printing, and sorting photos to send to our families.  it felt great to actually get it done, even if it was all i managed this weekend. 

and, we ate for free here... the owner of edible canada, eric pateman, was so gracious as to invite stefan and others to a sit down fall harvest family-style dinner as a thank you for just being a customer.  the food was abundant and amazing; i hope their squid dish makes it to the menu. 

peanut butter and tea... my comfort foods


kai, with bed hair in the middle of the afternoon, "trying" to talk with his italian nonna..

i hope your weekend was a lovely one.

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