Thursday, December 19, 2013

holiday making

i am a fan of christmas.  i like decorating the tree, the wrapping, the food that comes from stefan's kitchen, kai's excitement (i even let his eating of too many sweets pass : ).  tea, gingerbread cookies, peppermint anything. school christmas concerts, gift buying, garlands, lights, the music.  yes to all of it.
below you will find some pics of holiday making that have taken place during the last week or so: the tree finally decorated; a party for kai's buddies with gingerbread decorating, balloons, and goodie bags; the cats getting in on the action; building a gingerbread house, and just some plain silliness.
my boys and i are excited for the holidays to come.  seven more days!  can you believe it?




after kai's christmas concert today we are headed to the german christmas market. should be fun!  and you, what kinds of holiday making are you up to?

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