Monday, December 23, 2013

weekend pics, out and about in whistler

we were snowshoeing and tubing and snowball making our hearts away. we stuffed our bellies with delicious food from alta bistro, so. very. good.  we stayed warm and cozy in our hotel room, reading, playing board games, and kai loved that the bathtub was out in the open instead of in the bath and indulged in a long soak.  adventure and togetherness, my kind of weekend.

my favourite?  snowshoeing.  i must admit that with the approach of winter, the first thing i do is start to fret the cold, i do, but being in whistler reminded me that as long as i am dressed properly, moving, and being in the moment (regardless of how chilly it is), it's okay.  actually, it's better than okay, snowshoeing is a time to stop sort of speak, taking one step at a time, and being still in the beauty that winter offers us.  i loved it... despite kai's whining about the hills (he got over it though as he usually does).

my boys' favourite?  the discovery of the snowball maker.  it makes the perfect snowball.  they were giddy about this thing.  a lot of laughing and making and tossing occurred.  kai even had followers admiring it; children gawking in disbelief, parents asking where to buy one, people marvelling at the perfect snowballs.  what will they think when they see this one?

my boys couldn't just pick one thing of course.  their second favourite thing was the pork cheeks braised in apple cider and served with german butter potatoes, pickled raisins, radicchio in mustard and orange, toasted almonds, bacon, and anjou pear - i had a taste and it was very good.

snowshoeing on the callaghan valley mountain just south of whistler:

snowballs in the village:




tubing (note: super fun but too busy and pricey... next time we'll bring our sleds and find a hill):



hope you had a lovely weekend.  happy holidays, are you heading anywhere (snowy) this week?

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