Monday, December 2, 2013

weekend pics, split pea pigeon soup and cherry gravy goodness

my boys and i were busy soaking up all the goodness that came our way this weekend.  first, the phillips and then the browns, each in their very own way, nourished us with delicious meals and laughter and warmth.  i've said it before and i'll say it again, we are a lucky three.

and, i had a most productive weekend!  it involved lots of running around but it proved to be worthwhile - toronto bound gifts bought, check.  said package of gifts to be ready for shipping soon and exorbitant shipping fee avoided, check.  this makes me happy as much as my house finally being tidy and organized - it was almost getting out of hand but it's all under control now and i'm smiling from ear to ear.

saturday: split pea pigeon soup (no actually pigeon is in the soup), butter chicken, and beta 5 cream puffs.  but back to that butter chicken for a second. snehal cooked up a most gorgeous butter chicken - and probably spent a good portion of the day preparing it -  which was full of flavour and spice and love.  full disclosure, i ate way way way too much of it.  thank you my friend, everything was divine despite those coriander leaves in my soup ;)

we chatted with aadishri, she's in her dorm far far away at university.  and that's a beta 5 cream puff that she missed out on.
sunday: classic roast beef, roasted butternut squash with nutmeg and lime, mashed sweet potato, and the most beautiful gravy ever.  get ready for this, it was infused with cherries.  cherries!  have you ever heard of such a thing?  well, leave it to alexia to find the recipe and have the good sense to make this lovely gravy.  i ate more steak than i normally do because i couldn't get enough of that sauce.  delicious.


other scenes from the weekend:


more information about this lovely gingerbread cookie tomorrow!  stay tuned.

happy december everyone! 

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