Saturday, January 18, 2014

jude and the happy ending

jude disappeared for a almost three days.  he didn't come home one snowy friday night, the night before we were leaving for whistler.  needless to say, we were very worried about him.  

i felt like the worst cat mama. as i was tidying up the kitchen that night i started to cry, i couldn't help it, and had to sit myself down on the stool.  kai heard me.  pausing his video game, he quietly came over to me, sat on my lap and hugged me, stroking my back.  you see, kai believed jude was on an adventure and would come back soon enough.  those two are buddies and i couldn't imagine kai not having his buddy around anymore. 

we left our house key with a neighbour and asked him to keep an eye out for jude.  but it was of no use, jude didn't come home over the weekend.  in whistler, we didn't talk about him, we couldn't.  the night we returned from whistler, kai went to bed worried about his cat.  the idea that jude wouldn't be coming home was sinking in. 

then, bright and early monday morning, stefan and i awoke to a cat's meowing and the jingle of a collar bell... could it be?  we jumped out of bed, each of us fumbling to open up the doors - stefan upstairs and i downstairs.  then i heard stefan say that he had jude.  it was such a tremendous relief.

kai was right, he was on an adventure.

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