Tuesday, February 11, 2014

weekend pics, the mountain and the seaside

it was a three day weekend here in canada.  in the midst of being on the mountain one day and by the ocean another, there was a lot of lounging.  it's amazing how easy it is to while away hours at home without being too productive.  reading, check.  puttering about, check.  helping with kai's homework, check. watching downton abbey, check.   

the snow decided to arrive the day after our snow climb (bummer!) but nevertheless it was a lovely day and we extended it by hanging out in the chalet and eating lunch while admiring the view.  gorgeous.


white rock is a little seaside town about 45 minutes from vancouver.  we usually try to visit in the summer, it's idyllic with its vast beach and tidal pools.  while running an errand across the border, we stopped by white rock for a stroll along the beach and to get some food.  it was windy and cold but no less lovely.







other scenes from the weekend:

 pancake making and eating
 green juicing and chilling
a xmas gift finally put together... kai thinks it's pretty cool (thanks opa!)
the best part?  we reconnected with long lost friends.  what a lovely evening we had...  rachel's wit and laugh, pete's sweetness, super charming children, conversation, yummy beef stew and blackberry crumble :)

i hope you had a fun and lovely weekend too.

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