Tuesday, February 4, 2014

weekend pics, a winter rhythm

it's rare to have a day mostly to myself, maybe a few hours but not an entire morning and afternoon.  i find myself loving it (looooong shower, lunching with a lovely friend, attending a play) but at the same time wondering what moments i'm missing with my boys (while i was out, stefan texted me that kai scored a goal at soccer... happiness until i realized that it is now the second time i failed to witness one of his "spectacular" goals).  i convince myself that it's okay, it's good for my boys to create their own moments, it's good for me to bond with friends, it's good for kai to see me have a life outside of family... and indeed, the day was a loving one. 

snehal and i strolled granville island, we lunched, drank wine, and we attended a most wonderful play called a brimful of asha.  the play was funny and endearing.  as we entered the theatre, samosas were served and the real-life son and mother team welcomed every single person entering the theatre.  they share their story of arranged marriage, of culture and generational differences, of family love.  this beautiful story plays until february 8th, if tickets are still available, go see it.

on sunday, my boys and i visited the same mountain for skiing and snowshoeing... it was bright and gorgeous up there.  we see the same red sled tugging along, smell the same mountain air, admire the same scenery,  drink the same best chai latte and smile when we lay our eyes on the dame woman who each week runs the snowshoe grind not once but twice in the time it takes us to do it once.  a little rhythm to welcome our sundays.

stefan and i hiked a bit further beyond the tippy top of the mountain and found ourselves surrounded by mountains and more mountains.  so. very. pretty. 

after our snow hike, we hung out with friends.  how cute are they all dressed up in their seattle seahawk t-shirts for the superbowl :)  it was a lovely few hours spent eating, chatting, laughing and playing.  and there is always shenanigans happening when jason is around... kai loves it.



was your weekend a lovely one too?

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