Tuesday, March 11, 2014

in a funk

i am a lucky girl.  yet, despite the health of my beautiful boy, a truly awesome hubby, and insanely beautiful friends, my internal dialogue is filled with a string of complaints and worries lately.   

sometimes i feel i am battling my way through housework to do lists, emails to write and respond to, filling the refrigerator, soccer practises and games, band practise, homework, and a big one of late, negotiating my way around puberty.  i worry if kai feels loved, is he getting enough calcium in his diet, is the alarm on, are the elastic bands out of reach of the cats, especially loki?  and on and on it goes.

i am not a complainer or worrier by nature; i know this is life and i wouldn't trade it for the world.  i have simply forgotten to recognize the bliss around me.  so i will try harder to be on the lookout for those zen moments... in that freshly folded stack of towels, a perfectly shot soccer ball, kai's knack for expressing himself using fancy words correctly, the cup of tea brewed just for me.

i have a few friends going through difficulties lately whether with the health of a loved one, a broken heart, or other challenges.  life can change in an instant and all of a sudden you are living a new normal.  

i want to be thankful for all the crazy that is my normal because it's the crazy that makes those beautiful calm moments so very good, yes?  i also read that keeping a daily gratitude journal lessens worries and increases happiness.  will you try it with me?  what three things are you grateful for today?  trader jo's peanut butter filled pretzels, the tickle-themed wrestle kai and i had in bed before school, a surprise london fog tea.

beautiful moody image from here

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