Tuesday, April 22, 2014

weekend pics, family time

so, i didn't paint or mop or dust like i said i would.  instead, i boarded a ferry with my boys and spent time with family.  it's the best feeling to show up and have the girlies run out into my arms and ruben playing it cool but then giving the biggest and tightest hug.  how i even considered not going is beyond me.

the weekend was a mash up of lounging and activities.  melanie's friends came over and we made pizza and played a silly game of "you don't know jack"; we hiked around thetis lake park (craig and soon-to-be nine year old india ran it) and the rain, thank goodness, stayed away; we also brunched at the beach which resulted in kai wet to his knees (and we hadn't even eaten yet!) and the girlies finding baby shrimp and eels by the water... lots of excitement! 
we also squeezed in a little fun with pottery - it took some doing on my part but all seven of us went (i may have held them hostage, i'm not saying for sure, but it ended up with everyone - aka, the boys - loving it).  to make it appealing we drew names and we had to choose a pottery piece and paint it for the person whose name we drew.  it was relaxing, quiet (all the kids were focused on their art project), and almost meditative. 
of course, there was an easter egg hunt at the house (thanks melanie and craig for organizing it!) followed by the eating of chocolate.  but after the hunt and before the eating there was the serious business of doling out the eggs so everyone had an even number (love that pic of the kids).






hope your long weekend was a good one too!

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