Friday, May 16, 2014

rain and shine

dear mother nature, 

i have loved this week of warm weather.  the mediterranean runs in my blood and i will always choose warm (even humid!) days over cold or wet ones.  but, i am tired of your bad behaviour.  i hear the weekend is suppose to be grey and rainy.  this has been your theme of late, you give us vancouverites a few days of sunshine and then you take it away and rain on our fun.

now don't get me wrong, although i would like to keep the umbrella at bay, i can appreciate rain.  it can be peaceful and comforting snuggling up with a cup of tea and a good book.   i love my hunters and putting them to use.  the smell of blossoms after a day of rain is lovely too. 

but enough is enough.  let there be sunshine for a little longer, okay?

loving the top left image; the perfect warm weather outfit!  so cute.  and isn't that top right image a sweet one?

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