Monday, May 5, 2014

weekend pics

it took time and dedication to get my house in order these last couple of weeks.  getting it completed on saturday (just an hour before our guests arrived!) was such a relief.  and the thanks i get for all of my scrubbing and dedication?  i woke up sunday morning sick as a dog and worse today.  i had all sorts of plans now that i had time on my hands again - back to exercising, putting together photo albums, shopping for our home, reading... and i even missed out on visiting with our dear friends who recently had a brand new baby boy.  it's so not fair guys, i am meant to hold babies and coo them and play with their toes!

thankfully the weekend wasn't totally lost thanks to the lovely phillips family.  before any inkling of a cold came on, i devoured the most gorgeous malaysian food stefan prepared - chicken curry with plenty for leftovers and vegetables with peanut sauce.  for dessert?  aadishri's lemon pie with chantilly cream and strawberries.  everything was full of flavour and well worth their efforts in the kitchen.  thanks so much guys, it was the perfect last meal since i now have absolutely no appetite.

note to the phillips - i hope i didn't get any of you sick!  and if i did, i'm so very sorry.



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