Monday, July 7, 2014

weekend pics, harm and marion (and the dutch win, again!)

wet weekend mornings are meant for sleeping in, drinking tea, eating a dutch breakfast (aka, eating a lot of bread!), visiting a museum, and time for kai and his opa to make together (they are building the eiffel tower). 

the museum of vancouver... it was my first visit.  we learned about vancouver's past as we moved from one era to another (loved the 1950s).  the hippie era was a fun one, where we could try on groovy clothes and lounge in the hippie living room.  there was also an exhibit on vancouver's neon lights history.

afternoons are for soccer matches but only when the dutch are playing.  stefan had his lucky scarf out... did you watch?  what an intense game.  i had to busy myself with household chores every so often because it was too much to watch! 

that evening, after we all had dinner at the homer street cafĂ©, the three boys - stefan with his dad and kai - went to watch the vancouver whitecaps play at bc stadium.  it was harm's first game and he loved it... the cheering, the wave, the atmosphere.  and vancouver won!

a couple of aerial pics of granville island taken while walking over the granville street bridge to get some food and drop off the boys at the stadium.

and do you see that chocolate cake up there?  it was so good - perfectly chocolate-y, moist, and made by thomas. it helped us to celebrate the soccer wins and to say good-bye to my in-laws who are now on the island visiting with the lovely melanie and her family (but we will see them again in a short couple of weeks!)
hope you had a nice weekend too!

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