Monday, July 14, 2014

weekend pics, home and away

my boys were on the sunshine coast for a boys get-away this weekend while i stayed behind.  the weather was fantastic and i had a strong desire to join them but then i remembered how i lament that i don't really get to enjoy vancouver during the summer months so i appeased myself with promises of dipping my toes into kits pool.  i've mentioned kits pool before on this blog and i will keep doing so, it really is the perfect summer spot. 


while my boys called homesite creek home for a night and two days, playing in the woods and the lake, i played with the cats.  it was nice to have company at home :)

it feels like a well spent summer day when your toes can be in water :) 

for my boys, they drove straight to katherine lake to get their water fix.  kai loves that lake - small beach, two jetties to jump from, paddleboards to rent, and fish to try to catch.  kai was in his element. 

while by boys were frolicking at the lake, i went to kits pool just as i promised myself.  i swam some laps, soaked up some sun, and read through the latest kinfolk magazine.  look at that scenery - kits beach, downtown, stanley park and the north shore mountains!  bliss.


stefan discovered the painted boat marina where they had lunch and enjoyed the gorgeous view.  while they ate, i stopped by beaucoup bakery for a london fog and their melt in your mouth chocolate chip cookie. i did a bit of shopping too and came home with a dress - on sale and only one left, in my size :)

they explored the trails behind their campground and built their fire while i ate an early dinner at rocky road flatbread.  i have been obsessing over their fig and goat cheese salad and could easily eat it daily.  yes, it's that good! 
kai spent a couple of hours that evening chopping wood and tending to the fire.  love that pic of him standing by the fire he built, so proud.  he was all smiles telling me about it.

while kai roasted sausages for dinner (all on his own!) and marshmallows for dessert, i was attending the last show of my arts club theatre season.  the musical, red rock diner, was fun and entertaining.  i think i may have been the youngest one in attendance - it's based on red robinson's early years - the 1950s - as a disc jockey in vancouver.  i loved the energy and sheer joy of the woman sitting next to me as she sang and smiled throughout the entire performance :)

while they hiked sunday morning, i was still in bed, cuddling with loki.  then i remembered i picked up raspberries for breakfast (just add them to a bowl of ricotta, yum!). 

they spent the afternoon back at katherine lake while i went back to kits pool.  i can't believe that i was once just happy to be near water and not necessarily in it.  well, that changed for me when i trained for my first mini triathlon a few years ago.  swimming is calming and meditative and i would swim daily if time allowed. 
i headed to go fish, a shack by the fisherman's wharf that serves the freshest and most delicious albacore tuna sandwich (among other seafood items).


they headed to the ferry to start their journey home while i went to granville island to stock the cupboards and fridge with breakfast and lunch necessities for my boys.  and as luck would have it, the charming french singing busker was there. it's as if he is singing just to you.  swoon!

i received the biggest and warmest hug from kai upon their arrival home.  probably the best thing about the whole weekend.  then we ate sushi :) 

it was fun sorting through stefan's photos and putting this they did / she did post together.  thanks so much for stopping by and reading!  hope you had a lovely weekend too.

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