Monday, July 21, 2014

zalm salade

stefan has agreed to share one of his favourite childhood 'party' foods.  i remember marion first making this when i visited holland with stefan many years ago.  whenever she visits she whips one up.  yum!
btw, as you read this my boys and i will be in parksville enjoying family time with stefan's family.  his parents i'm sure are overjoyed to have everyone - children and grandchildren - under one roof.  and i hope to convince marion to make another zalm salade dish!
now, over to stefan...
zalm salade recipe
everyone must have a favorite food memory from parties and other social gatherings at home during their childhood. for me it is 'zalm salade', a hearty dish made from salmon, potatoes, apples and eggs.  it is a classic northern/eastern european dish and each country will have their own version and each chef their own twist.  this particular recipe is from my mother. she has made this one many times over the years.  it is great with crusty bread and sure to be a hit at any party, picnic or other gathering.  there are many ways to improvise on this recipe based on what you have available or feel like but the basic recipe is great just as is.
ingredients you will need:
2 cans of your favorite salmon, drained and flaked
3 yukon gold or other firm potatoes, peeled and cubed
3 eggs, hard boiled. 2 chopped, 1 sliced for decoration
2 sweet apples, peeled, cored and diced.
5-8 small sweet pickles, chopped
a couple of large pickles sliced lengthwise (for decoration)
tomato sliced (for decoration)
sweet paprika powder
1 head of boston or butter lettuce
salt & pepper
what to do:
boil the potatoes for 15-20 minutes until very tender.  in a large bowl, combine potatoes, salmon, chopped eggs, and two tablespoons of mayonnaise. mash to a smooth, creamy mixture.  add more mayonnaise to get the consistency you want.  mix in the apples and chopped pickles. season with salt and pepper.
cover a serving dish with lettuce leaves.  spoon the salad onto the leaves and shape to your liking, a dome is the classic shape.  cover with a thin layer of mayonnaise and sprinkle with paprika powder.  decorate with sliced egg, sliced tomato and sliced pickle.  refrigerate for a couple of hours before serving with crackers or a fresh sourdough baguette. 
note: i will be back in this space next week.  have a lovely time.  fingers crossed the sun keeps shining :)

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