Wednesday, August 13, 2014

31 and 32/52 weeks

31 weeks

kai: kai had such fun with livia while in peachland.  they last saw each other about six years ago.  as toddlers they spent alot of time together and even vacationed to the okanagan way back when. though kai doesn't remember livia from that time, they easily became familiar friends once again.

32 weeks
kai: when simone moved in next door, about a year ago, kai quickly and naturally took on a big brother role and she has been taken with him from day one.  they quickly developed an early evening routine.  just before dinner kai plays with and entertains simone, 'let's play pirate, arrrr' she says and then 'chase me kai' and finally 'wanna scoot kai'.  kai is happy to indulge simone's whims.  he is truly a sweet and caring soul. 

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