Friday, August 1, 2014

king of the sandcastle, parksville

on our first full day in parksville a castle was built.  the kids were at the helm.  they were busy digging a moat, using seaweed to make the foundation stronger, and stacking sand.  when we found them at work, we joined in. engaging in this simple and childlike activity. 
one of the kids challenged our beach neighbours to a sandcastle duel.  theirs was of viking proportions while ours was delicate and prettily decorated - the forest, the pond, the flowers along the bridge, the pebbles lining the walls.  surprisingly, ours withstood the tide coming in far longer than we imagined.  stefan took a time lapsed video of the entire thing.  do you see him in the pics below?  he was committed!
adults and kids stopped by to compliment the sandcastle and a few even posed for photos with it.  the kids felt like rock star sandcastle builders :)
it was fun for the kids to create alongside the adults.  but it was sad to let it go, to know that it was a creation for only a moment. 





going to the ice cream shack while we wait for the tide to come in. 


the viking castle :)


i am gathering more pics of my week in parksville to share next week.  in the meanwhile, have a lovely weekend and happy august!

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