Thursday, September 25, 2014

38 / 52 weeks

kai:  we stopped in for a promised treat after kai ran errands with me.  i thought it was the perfect time to snap a pic for the 52 weeks post but he insisted that he pose for it (pic to the right).  he wanted a cool pic not a cute one (pic to the left).  but what happened just before we walked out of the house to run our errands surprised me the most.  kai walked into the bathroom, looked straight into the mirror and adjusted his newly cut hair just so.  he then proceeded to scrunch up his jacket sleeves.  with one last look in the mirror and a satisfied grin he walked out the door.  what just happened?  the kai i know would happily walk out into the world a dishevelled mess.  and, he's asked me for deodorant too!  i know, i. am. speechless.

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