Tuesday, September 16, 2014

weekend pics, scences from a celebration

clearly the big event of the weekend was kai's birthday celebration.

i'm especially happy of how the party turned out, as i literally had to work on a construction site that was once our lovely grassy knoll... let's just say, i spent an insane amount of time looking for nails and sharp things on the ground, hiding construction material under tarps, putting up decoration to hide the construction (you don't even see that trailer outside my front door, right?), and making a "quilt" out of a variety of blankets and rugs i had around the house because there is no more green grass to sit on.

but more important than all of that was at the end of the party kai announced, "well, that was a success."  the kiddos seemed to have fun running around playing cops and robbers, focusing on an old-school game of mastermind, we ate pulled pork sandwiches (stefan smoked the pork at 6am that day and it was thoroughly enjoyed) and homemade chocolate cake (again, thanks to his papa!), and posing with silly glasses for photos. 

but i think beyond all the obvious festivity of a birthday party, for me, the loveliest part of the day was watching all the kiddos, all different ages and genders laughing and happy together.  and, being surrounded with our amazing people.  done and done.


thank you all so much for such sweet birthday loving for him on sunday! i can't wait for when he's grown and able to go back to this blog and see how many wonderful people were apart of his childhood.  


 i love an excuse to make a fuss over kai and his birthdays are my most favorite.

fuzzy pic but i love it nevertheless.

kai was the lucky recipient of a rather lovely party.  and, i hope you guys were the lucky recipients of a fantastic weekend.

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