Tuesday, October 7, 2014

we're moving!

i can't believe i'm writing this post, it still seems a little crazy to me but at the very same time, pretty fantastic.  we, my boys and i, are moving to stockholm, sweden!  crazy and fantastic, right?  why you may ask?  stefan's work is taking us there.  he works for a video game company that has studios in stockholm where a great opportunity came up and he went for it.  and, we (well, mostly me) have a sense of wanderlust, we love travelling.  so, off we go for two years
the moving date is the first week of november.  so excited!  fingers crossed the paperwork, which is being sorted through stefan's employer, will go smoothly and timely.
i've never been to stockholm, but stefan, whose been a few times for work, assures me i will love it.  most people who've been say the same thing.  stockholm is surrounded by lakes, shopping is fantastic, the city gorgeous, eco-friendly lifestyle, café culture, cobble stoned streets in the old town, forests and parks, and apparently i'll develop a love for herring and crayfish too!
of course, i have some anxiety about the move.  it's going to be a busy few weeks sorting the house out.  thankfully, we found a school for kai - he starts november 10th - that was my biggest worry.  once there, we'll be housed for the first few months until we find a place of our own.  we love the community feel of our place here and we're hoping we can establish that in stockholm.  we'll be off to a good start since our friends, ximena, petter, and their sweet girlies live there. 
thanks for reading.  if you know stockholm, i'd appreciate any recommendations of things to do, good restaurants, etc.  we're looking forward to exploring.  and while i am already nostalgic about leaving vancouver, i am excited for the adventure with my boys.

1 comment:

  1. We drive through Stockholm every time we go to Estonia. So now I am excited, it is 14 years since we last met...
