Saturday, November 8, 2014

weekend pics - two weeks worth and late!

i am writing this very late weekend pics post from sweden!  let's just say i was a little busy ;)

following is a collection of iphone snapshots of our last week or so in vancouver:
  • friends who fed us; there was curry, pasta salad, sandwiches and soups; stefan didn't have to cook at all
  • saying goodbye at work; it was so. very. hard to leave
  • my birthday came and went without fanfare but there was a lovely meal eaten at west (i am crazy for west, eat there!) and a homemade almond coffee cake for me to devour
  • a pair of warm and cozy boots were bought in preparation for cold swedish winters
  • neighbours came to the door with good wishes and plates of goodies like those gorgeous biscotti
  • halloween happened and i just barely captured my zombie in a photo
  • i underestimated the last minute packing to be taken on the flight with us; it was painful and tears may have been shed
  • we moved in with our friends for three nights; they lavished us with food, a comfy bed, and lots of love 
  • saying a tearful goodbye to jude, our littlest cat, who is being looked after by friends while we are away
  • and, the night before we boarded a plane for sweden, stefan played his last gig with threadsafe (see here too)... his sister and friends came out to cheer him on and say goodbye



stockholm?  i've posted a few pics on instagram if you'd like to follow me... "conniespataro". 

otherwise, check back here next week with an update of how my boys and i are doing up here in nordic land where the sun sets early, it's already winter temperatures (snow greeted us on our second day!), and cafes line our neighbourhood streets. 

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