Monday, January 19, 2015

stockholm weekend pics

this weekend has been nothing short of lazy.  it is quite amazing how a whole weekend can pass and not much was accomplished.  it's also kind of fantastic too (once in awhile).

morning light and homework that never ends.
a grumpy cat ready to attack your feet.
lunch at meatballs for the people.
locked out of the house, kai and i took a walk... 
got lost-ish... 
but that was okay, so many lovely gems around every corner...
like a lovely courtyard...
stairs or a wall to climb...
looking up...
and we found a view (1)...
almost home.
dinner in front of the tv. 
playing magic, a 'boys only' card game.
loki found himself a new place to nap.
 hope you had a lovely weekend.

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