Monday, April 13, 2015

stockholm weekend pics, with a dog!

this is april.  we are looking after her for just over a week.  it's been great fun thus far although our cat loki would entirely disagree since april has not taken to him and as such loki has been living in my bedroom since the dog's arrival. poor cat.

on saturday, we took april to vinterviken for a stroll in the forest.  i heard the vinterviken garden cafe, with an organic and made from scratch menu, opened its doors and we wanted to check it out too.  it was unfortunate that the smell of manure was so strong although you did eventually get used to it and it didn't smell so bad after awhile.  i had a lovely cauliflower soup and my boys grilled and devoured their sausages.  gardeners were puttering about preparing the gardens so it will be nice to return again when it's in full bloom. afterwards, april had a lovely time free from the leash and frolicking about in the forest.

on sunday, we met our friends, the lovely ximena and family at vitabergsparken so her girlies could meet april the dog.  it was windy up there on the hill!!!  the kiddos played around on the playground and chased the dog.  the park is in an area known as nytorget on sodermalm where one finds lovely boutiques and cafes.  it is here the kiddos ate ice cream and we enjoyed coffee/tea in the sun.  it actually felt like spring was in the air... this is good news!  


pierced ears and a new hair cut!



we spent an almost identical weekend visiting both vinterviken and vikensparken back in january when both parks were covered in snow... take a peek

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