Monday, April 20, 2015

stockholm weekend pics, korv!

the highlight of the weekend for me was the almost six hours i got to spend with ximena, petter and their lovely friends at griffin' steakhouse extraordinaire.  we started the evening at 6:30 with a glass of cava followed by wine tasting.  the sommelier was a funny and passionate guy (i wish i took his pic).  my favourite wine was the domaine zinde-humbrecht riesling although this isn't too surprising for those of you that know me as red is not typically a favorite.

we were then led into the kitchen for sausage making (korv in swedish)!  ximena and stefan immediately paired up to make the super duper foodie team. there was a competitive spirit going on in the kitchen (certain people trying to steal ingredients) but a friendly one.  i was the underdog in the kitchen but with petter's help we made a pretty flavorful duck sausage with apple and lemon as the main ingredients. petter named it lemon demon. and, the chef said that ours needed the least amount of adjustments compared to the others, just sayin'.  

we then sat down to a most lovely meal, sampling starters and eating hoards of meat. accompanied with more wine, of course.  i really enjoyed the seafood cocktail with shrimp, crab, and scallop with cucumber, mango, and avocado cream.  and, i did enjoy the few bites of flank steak i tried... my low anemia levels needed it!  but it was the dessert that was truly extraordinaire.  served in a large bowl, family style, we all went at it like animals (no time for a pic).  blueberry sorbet, lemon curd, meringue, vanilla ice cream, almond cakes, fresh blueberries... just divine.

we made our home and slept like babies well into the late morning.



stefan cooked some up tonight and they were delish, especially the lemon demon :)
if you'd like to see an instagram video of the sausage making fun visit @insta_mene!

hope you had a fun weekend too!

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