Thursday, May 28, 2015

travelogue: paris (part 3 of 4)

the goal of our third sunny morning?  actually going up the eiffel tower. we arrived early to get in line, an hour before it opened.  by the time we were on our way to the top of the tower, the lines were enormous (if you can, reserve tickets far in advance or show up early as we did).  kai was thrilled to make the trip to the top as he'd been asking about eiffel every day and the peek-a-boo views wasn't cutting it for him.  i'm glad we waited for a bright sunny day.

we paid to take the elevator to the top leaving us time to explore and we wanted to get to the tippy top before the crowds appeared.  the views are pretty spectacular from the top, the bustling seine, arc de triomphe, endless bridges, and ile de la cité.  and we got to learn about this remarkable monument, what a feat it was to build.

back on the ground, we also took the obligatory silly pics in front of eiffel.  it's harder than it looks!



afterward we strolled down rue cler to find a place to eat.  we were each craving eggs and that's exactly what we got with freshly squeezed orange juice, cafe creme, biroche, and baguette, at le petit cler while sitting outdoors enjoying the sunshine and people watching.  rue cler is a wonderful pedestrian-only market street where we checked out stinky cheeses and fishmongers.  we passed by patisseries and of course we were tempted by their jewel-like displays of desserts.  we picked up some strawberries too to take back to the eiffel tower.  
i loved the two on the left, granddad and grandson dressed alike.  those berets!


my boys checking out the pastries


when we got to the trocadero, the gorgeous desserts we picked up were already eaten  - what can i say, we were too eager :) but we still had strawberries!  time was whiled away sitting and enjoying the sunshine, playing cards, rolling down the hill and someone - perhaps the littlest - managed to get himself quite wet by playing in the fountain.  it was a good time.


a selfie :)

                                                                    i loved her pretty toille dress.


the sunny day made it perfect for a boat ride along the seine.  we boarded the batobus to see the sites from the water.  we watched runners, musicians, and families enjoying their sunday by the water.  the bridges with their arches, statues, and gold leaf were exquisite as they passed before us. 

we got off at champs-elysees but we didn't venture up the avenue towards the arc de triomphe as planned.  we hadn't quite realized the time, how could it be dinnertime already! nevertheless, looking down the wide 8-lane path of traffic toward the arc de triomphe, the view was stunning.  

not having time to go back to the hotel, we hopped in a taxi to au pied de cochon, a parisienne institution, for dinner.  it is an old-style brasserie that has been open 24/7 since 1946 serving interesting pig parts and other classics but i played it save with salmon.  they even have pink meringue piglets to dunk in your coffee.

after dinner, although we were all very tired, seeing paris by night proved to be too enticing so we walked along the seine.  when darkness finally descended upon the city we were by the notre-dame.  watching it light up was magical.  there were street performers too, playing music, dancing with fire, tricking on rollerblades.  kai loved it.  i think he would have happily stayed out all night.

continue reading... part 4 of 4 later today.

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