Friday, June 19, 2015

friday interiors

today the swedes celebrate midsummer.  it's an official holiday and the start of a multi week vacation with the swedes taking off to their summer cottages in the archipelago. 

this cottage belongs to elizabeth dunker from fine little day (all photos from her blog).  it was built in the 1930s, a typical cottage house whose tone is friendly and welcoming thanks to the cute flowery wallpapers and homemade projects throughout.  i wouldn't mind spending a summer vacation in such a picturesque and charming country cottage.




we will be on one of the archipelago islands  today to celebrate midsummer alongside the swedes.  that last image above is what i imagined we would be doing but unfortunately the sunny days we have been having came to an end and the weather forecast calls for rain.  but it won't stop us from celebrating. 

have a lovely weekend.

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