Friday, June 26, 2015

going dutch

i am so happy to be travelling to holland with my boys today.  it's been too many years since we were last there.  i already know the very first two things we will do when we arrive - eat dutch fries with mayonnaise (dutch snack food is the best!) and visit the anne frank house (kai and i are reading her diary).  

i will drink too much milk too, it's the only milk i can drink straight up.  maybe their cows are happier :)  then there's nine little streets, a cute shopping area to explore.  stefan wants to share childhood memories with kai and visit vondelpark and the apartment he lived in as a little boy.  i want to explore jordaan too.  

the main reason for our visit is to celebrate my in-laws 50th wedding anniversary!  and that's not all.  we will share a farmhouse with the lovely melanie and family.  so cool. i can't wait.

we'll also hop over to spain and france before coming home to stockholm.  keep well, i will see you back in this space in a few weeks.  in the meantime, you can follow me on instagram.

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