Tuesday, June 2, 2015

stockholm weekend pics, 30 hours in göteborg

it was a quickie trip to teborg... stefan had work there on the friday and kai spent the weekend there with his schoolmates participating in the nordic network sports tournament. i am always up for exploring new places but, really, i wanted to be in the same city as kai, you know, in case he needed his mama. he didn't of course, happily fending for himself for 2 nights and 3 days without a hovering mama.  and, it was really really nice to spend couple time with stefan.

my most favourite area was around magasinsgatan and vallgatan which runs across it.  there are many interior design shops here as well as food and fashion.  grandpa, artilleriet, and norrgavel are a few good examples.  there's also da matteo and kale'i which are great cafes.  artilleriet in particular i loved for its selection of home decor, an eclectic range of furniture, rugs, textiles from modern to vintage (so many things i could have brought back home with me).  it rained on and off and i was happy to browse the shops and sit with a chai to people watch.




i strolled along kungsportsavenyn which stretches from the 17th century canal and kungsparken (king's park) to where the statue of poseidon resides.  along this main road you will find the museum of art, the city theater and the concert hall.  i ducked into the museum when it began to rain, i find museums have the best shops, it was a worthwhile way to pass the time until the rain subsided.

the haga district is teborg's oldest suburb, dating back to 1648.  its cobbled streets and preserved wooden buildings are now cafes and vintage and second-hand shops.  once again, the rain fell hard - it was actually quite miserable - and to keep dry we escaped into cafe husarenthe tosca kaka (almond cake) was delicious but stefan says to skip the kanelbulle, they are impressively large but too doughy.  the view from skansen kronan is amazing, overlooking the red roofs.  we couldn't help but think kai would have loved exploring this little hilltop.

we ate a not-too-soon-forgotten dinner in the haga district, at rustik bistro. there was homemade rye bread, blackened salmon sashimi with smoked avocado cream, roasted whole trout with browned soy butter, melt in your mouth new potatoes, etc.  our waiter happily kept our wine glasses full and offered free shots of frangipane at the end of our meal.  it was one of those lingering meals you never want to end, everything was perfect from the food to the company.

before getting on the train home, we strolled over to where kai was playing soccer, to cheer him and his teammates on.  it sure was nice to finally lay my eyes on him.  his hugs are the best when we've spent time apart :) 

teborg was wet, windy and cold but it didn't take away from the charm of the place.  i'd happily revisit during sunnier days.  

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