Tuesday, December 15, 2015

stockholm weekend pics, 3 swedish traditions

the swedish say 'there is no such thing as bad weather just bad clothing'.  so, all bundled up, we braved the chilly weather and spent time outdoors in vinterviken to walk around the park, visit the outdoor christmas market (#1), and warm up a little in the cafe with tea and good food and then by the fire drinking glogg while the kiddos ate sausages.  in the company of our good friends, it was a rather lovely afternoon.

the swedish sun sets before 3pm these days.

we went to see a lucia concert and dance (#2) at skansen on djurgarden.  lucia is a very swedish tradition that celebrates light and warmth during these dark december days... 5 hours of daylight which makes 3pm look and feel like it's 10pm.  

each year, a girl is chosen to play the part of lucia.  she wears a crown of candlelight and is dressed in white with a red sash.  much to the delight of the swedes, lucia arrives by procession in the royal horse and carriage to then perform a concert with her handmaidens, each carrying a candle and also dressed in white with a red sash.  it's all very beautiful (photos taken on my phone, not so beautiful).

oh, and since we were there, we danced around the christmas tree again.  it keeps you warm :-)

we took a ferry to djurgarden

the skansen christmas market
fire pits all around for warming up!

a line-up for hot chocolate, it was cold! brrrrr. 

dancing around the christmas tree 

looking back at the city from djurgarden just as the sun was setting

for the second year in a row we indulged in a julbord (#3).  this time, at the operakallären with views of lake marlen, the royal palace and the twinkling christmas tree.  a julbord is a christmas smorgasbord of cold and hot dishes served as a buffet.  think herring prepared in mustard sauce, in curry sauce, and many other sauces; local cheeses; salmon prepared in many ways; swedish meatballs and sausages; jansson's temptation (stefan's favourite potato dish with onions, anchovies and cream); and many dessert offerings.  it was first prepared in 1961 by the king's chef and ever since it has been recreated by many restaurants every christmas season.  needless to say, we were stuffed and waddled our way home :-)  

we had our first snow of the season, just a tiny bit, and we hope for more. 

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