Thursday, January 14, 2016

travelogue: amsterdam, again!

oh amsterdam!  the quaintness of that city never ceases to amaze me.  i was so happy to spend a couple of days there over the christmas holidays before heading to my in-laws home further south in holland.

we started our trip at the linden hotel, which was located in the charming jordaan area right next to a canal and boat houses.
  and it was fairly close to the neighborhoods i wanted to check out.  for instance we could easily walk to the westergasfabriek area and re-visit favorite districts like nine streets and haarlemmerstraat.  we also traveled by tram to the pijp district.  it was exactly the two days i had in mind; it's nice when it works out that way.

while stefan was still at his gamers' conference, kai and i walked over to winkle cafe for apple pie and i tell you it was just as delicious as the last time.  we then met up with stefan and his friends for drinks at de lachende vis (the laughing fish) followed by a lovely thai dinner at wolvenstraat 23, in the nine streets district.

on this lovely street, at la maison de sophie, i picked up cute washi tape with golden arrows and pineapples.  

you know how much stefan likes to explore cities via their coffee scene so i was happy to learn of a great coffee shop, espressofabriek in the westergasfabriek area.  westergasfabriek is made up of historic factory buildings that now house shops, restaurants, and art houses.  the grounds also has a park that is quite popular in the summer.  we breakfasted at bakkerswinkel, the perfect breakfast place using local products; i got the fried eggs on toast and it was the best but i'm a fan of eggs! gustafson, a pop up restaurant and shop with great design, was closed when we went by so i had to be content with peering into the window.   we returned that evening to dine at brouwerij troost, beer and burgers!  

the de pijp neighborhood - which i didn't get to the last time i was in amsterdam - is exactly what i hoped for.  boutique lined streets where kai found a cute little wine topper for his oma and opa at felice. and i have been wearing the sweater i picked up at hutspot more times in a week than not.  its super soft knit with a high neck keeps me warm in the minus degree stockholm temperatures.  well worth the monies i spent on it!  and, hutspot, which also houses a barbershop and cafe, had a photo-booth too!  

de pijp is known for their over one hundred year old outdoor market, albert cuypmarket, open six days a week selling everything from cheeses and fresh fish to fabrics and incense.  but we zeroed in on the fries, ordered with mayo - dutch mayo is the best.  and, we had to have stroopwafles (syrup waffle) too, they are to die for but be careful they're piping hot!

while my boys rested up before dinner one night, i wandered up and down haarlemmerstraat, a favourite from the last time i was there, and came home with the sweetest ceramic elephant that holds a tapered candle.  some worthy shops to mention are store without a home and restored.

on our last day, it wasn't surprising that we ended up at screaming beans in the nine streets district.  and, we couldn't leave without first eating tiny pancakes called poffertjes with powdered sugar and butter!  pancake amsterdam  - it had a huge line up when we were there in the summer so we never got to eat there - also have the best gigantic dutch pancakes too, the simpler the better, so good.

it was such fun to explore different neighbourhoods.  if i'm lucky enough to be in amsterdam again, i will definitely spend my days just like these ones but with some museums mixed in like the rijksmusuem or the foam photography museum.

but first, h&m's home... 

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