Thursday, February 4, 2016

a new year...

i blinked and january has passed me by.  i was busy working, volunteering, the doing of this and that.  i didn't make resolutions for the year, it's too daunting, don't you think?  but i made changes for each day that has since passed.  there's been an almost daily yoga practice going on.  i'm gentler with kai and his antics with homework (most of time).  reading has become a lovely habit.  being off the internet more than ever.  eating healthfully.  being mindful; the focusing on today, this moment rather than the whole year is such a good thing.  it's achievable.   

twenty sixteen is going to be a good year, one day at a time.  i like how it looks and feels already, worn and comfortable.

the year started with this lovely family, cozy at home - so much goodness packed into an evening:  ximena whipped up gorgeous tapas; petter made delicious cocktails; tasty salami brought back from holland; shrimp dipped in aioli; the cake, a lovely pear walnut; and we ate and drank so well, there was no more room for the olibollen!  there might have been some dancing and silliness too. and maybe even a train ride (don't ask!). the ceiling sparkled. the kiddos happy and laughing. and we walked to the bridge and saw twenty sixteen come with twinkling lights and fireworks. and so began the new year.

twenty sixteen, i  hope to fill you with more such lovely new memories.

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