Tuesday, November 14, 2017

travelogue: paris, france

stefan and i spent 3 days in paris to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary during a june weekend.  it was good times with tons of food, cocktails, pastries, and shopping. oh, and tons of walking too.

we stayed in the marais district with its many coffee shops (foundation and boot cafe to name a couple), place des vosges, charming streets like rue des rosiers and des francs-bourgeois, and the marais is home to merci.  

rue montorgueil, a foodie's avenue, is where i had my favourite meal, a simple and huge galette that was so delish i really wanted seconds.  

there was a stroll through the grounds of père lachaise cemetery, gorgeous, old and where jim morrison resides.  

near the seine, we were wowed by our visit to the teeny shakespeare and company with its stacked high books in every nook and crannie and then wowed again with the choux à la crème at odette's.  

on our final day, we picnic-ed in the tuileries garden with baguettes, champagne - drinking right out of the bottle - and pierre hermé macaroons.

i loved, loved, loved being away with stefan, take a peek into it all... 



thank you to our friends who took care of kai while we celebrated... kisses!

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