Sunday, November 4, 2018

a lazy fall break

it was a week of recharging. it can feel elusive when you are working and grocery shopping and cleaning up messy kitchens.

day one, the moment i sat on the sofa with my book, educated a memoir by tara westover and a cup of tea... i didn't move for most of the day. even when my inner voice told me to feel guilty for doing nothing. i moved on... i gave myself permission to be lazy.

and that my friends set up the rest of the week for me. recharging was the theme. fika with stefan. binging on netflix. making pumpkin pie. playing rummingkup. eating delish homemade meals (thanks stefan).

it was a happy and tired week of doing not much at all and then falling into bed blissfully.

hope you had a good week, a lazy one or not.

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