Thursday, February 21, 2019

travelogue: toronto (part 1)

back in toronto, second trip within a year (see my summer post here). i'm here to attend my niece's wedding but it was also an opportunity to spend time with my mom. toronto in february isn't very nice, so, along with ange, my friend from forever ago, we hunkered down with my mom and just enjoyed the days. 

first things first when i arrive in toronto, my sister takes me to loblaws, a canadian supermarket, to get groceries otherwise i would eat fried eggs with potatoes for breakfast everyday and while it's delicious, i can't have that happening (see photo below). at loblaws i discovered president's choice ice cream shop's mint chocolate... so good. i picked up ambrosia apples, they're my and kai's favourite apples, ever. i also bought special kellogg's vanilla almond and vanilla almond milk. just being in a supermarket with good-looking produce and product choice makes for a great outing (sorry, stockholm).

i met stella! she is the loveliest puppy. we went for walks, she napped in my arms, she gives the best cuddles. what a lucky pup to call ange her mama. 

eggs and potato breakfast

throughout our days, we play italian card names, drink tea - well, ange and my mom drink tim hortons coffee - and i keep the both of them from cheating. my mom, especially. she'll try to pull a fast one over you. a favourite game is scopa.

and, i am lucky to call ange my friend... she's super caring, funny, she's got your back, cheers you on and even though she drives you crazy while playing italian cards every single time you know you'll miss it if she stops. love you ange.

libretto pizzeria is the best. whenever i'm in toronto, ange and i eat here. the pizza is perfection.

pasta! with potatoes, with tomato sauce, with melt in your mouth meatballs. there was ricotta too, simply baked one day and stuffed in homemade cannelloni pasta tubes on another day. and, of course, there's cake. at 89 years old, my mom can still cook up a storm and do it deliciously.

i love hudson's bay brand products. i picked up a compact mirror, a tote, and prettily wrapped soap. and, i really wanted to bring the swing jacket home with me but alas, it was too expensive. i'll save my pennies for next time.

i dyed my hair, so much cheaper than stockholm. i mean, significantly cheaper.

i drank london fogs, daily. craving one now but there isn't one to be found in stockholm. and if there was it would cost a billion dollars... same as chai lattes. i really liked the ones at the red rocket coffee on the danforth.

my sister spoils me... from my mom's friend's bakery, she picked up arancini (rice balls) and cannoli with ricotta which i happily indulged in. 

and, of course, a visit isn't complete without ketchup chips ;)

the day before my niece's wedding we happened to come upon my dad's wallet. it was left just the way it was when he passed away. it brought a smile to my face but also left me feeling sad.

inside, he had tucked away a valentine card my niece gave him. it was such a beautiful find. he would have loved to see angelica get married, his first grandchild.

it's been many years and i still miss my dad, every day. time doesn't heal all things. it's just a new normal, this longing for my dad.

that's angelica in the ruffled flowered dress... she's getting married!
next up, angelica's wedding!

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