Thursday, June 20, 2019

stockkholm weekend pics: brewery, hellasgården and the ice cream truck

with stefan home, the sun continuing to shine, school and work for kai and i officially over, it felt like a vacation. togetherness was the theme... at the brewery, at hellasgården, at finding that damn ice cream truck.

first, the brewery: skateboarding and walking along the waterfront smiling at the fluffy baby geese. a sweet friend of kai's tagging along too. patio lounging with beer and wine. salmon ceviche and pimentos to start. burgers devoured, finger licking good. a hot air balloon passes by. breaking in my new birkenstock shoes.

hellasgården: what can i say about this place? we adore it. the food at storstugan is always perfection. homemade rhubarb lemonade to boot. 

hesitating and hesitating, avoiding being pushed into the lake by the boys in your life (looking at you stefan and kai). although, once in the lake, remembering how the cold swim quickly becomes refreshing and lovely. 

reading, napping and relaxing in the sun. 

the best part, it's just a 20 minute-ish bike ride from our place.

the ice cream truck: on our way to magnus johansson bageri + konditori for fika, taking the long route along the waterfront, we hear the ice cream truck. we make a run for it, following its sound, to finally, after a year of hearing it, see it with our very own eyes.

you see, the ice cream truck rings its distinctive bell all year long! yes, even during stockholm's dark, cold winters, in the evening! we didn't understand... who runs outside for an ice cream cone at night, in the middle of winter? we were utterly confused.

we find the truck and we realize, they sell boxes of ice cream not singles! aha, we think, mystery solved. still, we wonder, why? why sell boxed ice cream from a truck all year? i guess it's just a swedish thing... one of the ways to get through the long winter months. sounds plausible, we think.

there are alot of options. we buy a box of ice cream sandwiches even though we aren't heading home just yet. because, why not.

the ice cream truck

love these weekends with my boys.

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