Saturday, June 1, 2019

travelogue: paris with celine!

paris with celine in may. i have missed this beautiful friend when she moved to shanghai, a year ago. when she said she'd be in paris to write some exams and if i would want to join her, i didn't hesitate to say yes.

i liked how celine's curiosity led us down this street and that cobblestoned one, just because, no agenda. i liked observing the locals on their bikes, wearing their clothing just so, and sitting on patios enjoying their meal. there was beauty in everything, the language, the architecture, the food! and to observe all this with celine's insight felt like i had my very own personal tour guide :)

we stayed at her friend's apartment in the marais district, not only is it the perfect place to explore from but the apartment came with a cat. lucky me... celine, a cat and staying in a favourite parisian area!

we walked along the seine, with the bouquinistes selling their wares (even in the rain), seeing the notre dame without her spire, stopping in shakespere and co bookshop and cafe for browsing and warming up with a tea.

noteworthy dinners in marais... au petit fer a cheval for traditional french food, cafe breizh for galette (pictured below), and le petit marche for french-asian fusion (our favourite!). 

palais royal's inner courtyard with its colonnes de buren art installation was fun in the rain. as was place des voges and its surrounding arracade.

we walked through the tuileries gardenand i finally made it to the arc de triomphe this time but i don't think i will walk along champs d'elysees again... too busy and noisy for my liking.

musee d'orsay is a must destination, especially for impressionist works but the space itself, once a railway station, is worthwhile too. once inside, art is displayed on walls of deep gray, midnight blue, violet and green. my favourite piece was pénélope endormie, a sculpture by cavelier, love the way her gown drapes and her head tilts. 

lunches were also enjoyable sitting outdoors at les deux magots and another place where i had the best sardines! when we arrived at buvette, it was between service so we had a tea while flipping through their cookbook and by the time we were ready to leave, i just had to have the cookbook. stefan has cooked up delicious food from this place (the meatball recipe will definitely be shared soon). 




i love how there are so many visual delights, around every corner in montmartre. not only is there the sacre coeur but the winding streets, the montmartre cemetery that dates to the early 19th century, moulin rouge, of course, the wall of love, and locals playing boules.

treats included macaroons from pierre hermes and odette, millefeuille from a pastry shop on rue montegueil and the chocolate from patrick roger that i gifted stefan is one of the best he's ever tried. but back to that millefeuille, i sat outside the bakery and unfolded it from it's lovely wrap, it was a good one... i ate and smiled and ate and smiled.

celine took me to deyrolle, a famous taxidermy shop. it's one of paris' hidden gems that i didn't know existed. and what a place, the collection is amazing (if you like taxidermy). and i enjoyed the gardening shop just downstairs too. filled with treasures; celine bought a really cool poster.

le printemps rooftop was a happy find! you take the elevator after speaking with a very friendly security guard, then the escalator to the top floor of printemps and you'll discover a breathtaking view while drinking a gin and tonic. you are right in the heart of this beautiful city.





this was my third time to paris and i hope to be back for a fourth as there is still much to do... marche aux enfants rouges, the oldest market in marais; brunch at the eccentric derriere; properly having a meal at buvette; and if i am travelling with stefan we'll need to try dreamin' man for coffee. 

thank you celine, i loved my time with you. à bientôt, mon amie. bisous.

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