Monday, August 12, 2019

stockholm weekend pics, brunnsviken lake

we were invited to a dinner party by brunnsviken lake. and what a setting to call home. we had no idea that swedes lived in bergianska trädgården, a gorgeous garden that we visited a few times before.

andrea and magnus put together a beautiful meal. we all loved the focaccia, so good. and there was aubergine salad, roasted potatoes, and slaw to accompany the grilled meat. of course, champagne drinks were served... i love an aperol spritz.

the kiddos had fun too by the lake, playing with the sweetest dog, and challenging each other to chess and card games with a bit of shenanigans in between.

andrea is an artist, and all evening we admired her wings... and she let us try them on! they are so cool, stefan wants to commission a smaller scale version.

thank you andrea and magnus for a lovely evening, i am still craving more of your focaccia bread.

(all photos taken with my iphone and the quality is quite poor... why do iphone cameras deteriorate so quickly?)

photo taken from the kitchen window


this is andrea
we decided to explore more of brunnsviken lake so we trekked back! this time, we travelled a bit further north, walking through the forest until we arrived in our destination, kafé sjöstugan. a cute little place serving simple yet delicious food. the aubergine soup was perfect! and there's always carrot cake to be found at these places for kai.

we roamed around the grounds for a little bit, being silly on the pier, peeking into the gardens, and enjoying the view.

i love these kind of days, exploring with my boys with no distractions. just the three of us :)




on the way back to the t-bana, we walked along a different path and found the cutest neighbourhood in the forest. how adorable are those houses?

isn't that sign just above the cutest? it means 'slow down'. hope you had a lovely weekend too.

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