Friday, December 27, 2019

and then it was christmas!

while the swedes celebrate on christmas eve day, we spend the twenty-fourth preparing for christmas day. 

gingerbread cookies are baked, stockings stuffed and presents wrapped. the new animated christmas movie 'klaus' is on the television. its novel take on the origin of santa is very good. 

the last tea from of my johan och nystrom tea advent calendar warms me up. 

two new felt animals join the tree. the skiing mouse was gifted to me by a lovely friend.  the dog with his coffee was a cute find befitting my coffee loving hubby.

'civilization' the board game is won for the third consecutive time by kai. as we play, we fill our plates with a buffet of goodness and there's wine and christmas beer too. 

the relaxed and quiet christmas eve continued into christmas day. 

a special breakfast with whole wheat scones, soldiers wrapped in prosciutto, cheese puffs too.

loki happily spent the morning inside a bag :)

fancy skincare products, warm socks, a cozy cat sweater and more unwrapped. 

playing hours worth of 'terraforming mars', winning the first game after being defeated again and again in 'civilization'.

fun with the prettiest wooden cat pile game.

for christmas dinner, a meatloaf was served... not a very merry choice but kai and i were craving it and so stefan created the most delicious meatloaf ever accompanied with orange glazed carrots, the swedish jansson's temptation, and garlic fried broccolini. 

christmas breakfast and dinner were just two of many... stefan spent many hours in the kitchen over these holiday days making amazing food for kai and i. and i am grateful beyond words.

ps. to get the above picture took several tries thanks to this guy who was having some fun on my behalf, here i am sharing a few zoomed in outtakes:

merry christmas from my little family to yours!


  1. Love this so much Connie!! What lovely photos of a lovely family - can't wait until our paths cross and meet again. Love to you and Happy New Year!! Laura in North Van :)

    1. Laura!!! Oh my goodness, so lovely to hear from you. I hope you, your 'date' and girls are doing well too. Sending you big hugs. One day, we'll meet again :)
