Saturday, February 22, 2020

stockholm weekend pics, february

still consumed with school work, i go all in and I don't take a breath. i haven't been living my best life these last couple of months. while i love being back in a school, learning and writing and figuring it out, i'm out of balance.

so, for now i will appreciate all the many tiny moments that come my way...

making healthy muffins and throwing in some chocolate chips for kai... sorry loki, not for you!

taking a silly selfie with kai to send to stefan - he surprised us with a couple of treats before he left on his work trip earlier in the month.

watching kai make truffles for his girlfriend, a two year anniversary!

celebrating 25 years, on the day we met, eating some delicious, spicy thai at the gorgeous isaan in the berns hotel.

playing board-games and actually WINNING against kai!

adoring ylva... peek-a-boo!

cuddling loki, who somehow knows it's time for me to take a break.

finding the perfect statement... i want the light too! 

making time for fika at robin delselius bageri, devouring a gorgeous beet and egg pie, and bringing home some treats.



this coming last week of february, schools are on holiday and the three of us will travel to trysil, norway with friends for some snow fun... fingers crossed for snow!!! 

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